C+L Band Raman Amplifier

Amonics Raman Amplifier is a high power pump laser source for distributed optical amplification of optical signals in the C or C+L band.

The Raman Amplifier features 2 or 4 pumping wavelengths for gain flattened amplification. It is a ready-to-use optical amplifier equipped with a broadband pump & signal combiner and individual power monitoring for each channel. The Raman Amplifier is available in both benchtop and rackmount casings, as well as customized modules.


ARA-CL-800 ARA-CL-1200
Operating Wavelength 1528 nm to 1605 nm 1526 nm to 1610 nm
Optical Gain Min. 10 dB Min. 15 dB, Typ. 16 dB
Gain Flatness Max. 2 dB Max. 2.5 dB
Total Pump Power Min. 700 mW, Typ. 800 mW Min. 1000 mW, Typ. 1200 mW
Effective Noise Figure Typ. -1.0 dB, Max. -0.5 dB Typ. -1.0 dB, Max. -0.5 dB
Signal Insertion Loss Typ. 0.7 dB, Max. 1.5 dB Typ. 0.7 dB, Max. 1.5 dB
Degree of Polarization Typ. 5 %, Max. 10 % Typ. 5 %, Max. 10 %
Control Mode ACC ACC

General Parameters

unit value
Operation Temperature °C 0 to +40
Storage Temperature °C -10 to +70
Power Supply VAC 90 – 240VAC, 47 – 63Hz
2U Rackmount Dimensions mm 485(W) x 515(D) x 90(H) (Standard)
2U Rackmount Dimensions mm 485(W) x 360(D) x 90(H) (High Gain Wide Band)
Mechanical Safety Control Key-lock switch, BNC interlock key
Optical Power Monitoring Output power, Total pump power
Remote Control Port DB-9 female (RS232), Control software included, RJ-45 (TCP/IP Ethernet) (optional)
Protection Pump laser (TEC) overheat
Optical Connector FC/APC, FC/UPC, SC/APC, SC/UPC
Optical Fiber SMF-28

Ordering Information

Product Code
aaa: Pump power, 500 for 500mW, 800 for 800mW
bb: FA for FC/APC, FC for FC/UPC, SA for SC/APC, SC for SC/UPC

Key Features

High output power
High gain
Low noise figure
RS232 computer interface
Highly reliable and durable

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