Amonics offers C+L band EDFAs which are commonly used in a wide range of applications including free space communications, coherent beam combining and detection systems. The compact turnkey benchtop or 19” rackmount unit incorporates a user-friendly front panel housing with a LCD monitor display, key switch, power adjust control knob and optical connectors. Computer interface through RS232 or Ethernet is possible.


Saturation Output Power (at 0dBm input signal) Min. +17 dBm Min. +20 dBm Min. +23 dBm
Input Signal Level -6 to +3 dBm -6 to +3 dBm -6 to +3 dBm
Small Signal Gain @ -6dBm Input Signal Min. 23 dB Min. 26 dB Min. 29 dB
Operation Wavelength 1528 nm to 1563 nm; 1570 nm to 1603 nm 1528 nm to 1563 nm; 1570 nm to 1603 nm 1528 nm to 1563 nm; 1570 nm to 1603 nm
Noise Figure (at 0dBm input signal) Typ. 5.5 dB, Max. 6.5 dB Typ. 5.5 dB, Max. 6.5 dB Typ. 5.5 dB, Max. 6.5 dB
Input / Output Isolation Min. 30 dB Min. 30 dB Min. 30 dB
Other output power models are available upon request

General Parameters

unit value remarks
Operation Temperature °C 0 to +40
Storage Temperature °C -10 to +70
Power Supply VAC 90 – 240, 47 – 63Hz
Benchtop Dimensions mm 260(W) x 330(D) x 120(H)
1U Rackmount Dimensions mm 485(W) x 360(D) x 45(H) Other standard rackmount sizes are also available
Mechanical Safety Control Key-lock switch, BNC interlock key
Optical Power Monitoring Output power, Input power (optional)
Remote Control Port DB-9 female (RS232), Control software included, RJ-45 (TCP/IP Ethernet) (optional)
Protection Pump laser (TEC) overheat
Optical Connector FC/APC, FC/UPC, SC/APC, SC/UPC
Optical Fiber SMF-28


Gain flattening filtering

Ordering Information

Product Code
aa: Saturated output power in dBm
b: B for Benchtop, R for 19 inch Rackmount
cc: FA for FC/APC, FC for FC/UPC, SA for SC/APC, SC for SC/UPC

Key Features

Turnkey device
RS232 / Ethernet computer interface
High output power
High gain
Low noise figure
Highly reliable and durable

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