
Brightening the world with Advanced Photonics platform

Optical Communications

Fiber-optic communication is an advanced light transmission system through optical fiber. There are overwhelming advantages over existing copper wires in long-distance and high-demand applications due to lower attenuation and interference.

Nowadays, optical fiber is in the telecommunications industry for transmitting telephone signals, internet communication and cable television signals. Amonics provides the industry with a broad portfolio of optical communication components, modules, and subsystems applications throughout the network. This includes both active and passive components for telecommunications, data communications, and cable television.

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Optical Fiber Sensing


Optical fiber sensing is recognized as emerging technology for numerous applications including structural health monitoring for civil structures, oil and gas temperature monitoring, optical current sensing and optical gas sensing and many more.

Amonics offers ultra stable ASE sources and SLDs for FBG sensing manufacturing and they also act as light source for optical current sensing.

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Coherent Detection

Coherent optical detection, when coupled appropriately with digital signal processing (DSP), can be applied in high capacity fibre optic communication, free-space optical communication and optical sensing. Compared with direct detection system, coherent detection offers significant improvement in receiver sensitivity by 5 to 20dB. In optical communication, this implies the distinct advantages of wider repeaters spacing, higher transmission rate and hence enhanced power budget. For free space communication and optical sensing, transmitters with substantially lower pulse energy are adequate for the purposes, which enables the adoption of eye-safe systems without elaborated safety precaution.

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Doppler LiDAR has been proven as a useful tool for measurements of atmospheric wind velocity and particle pollutant characterization. It is commonly employed in wind-farm systems for the purposes of metrological observation and optimization of green energy generation, in the pursuit of carbon emission reduction. A reliable laser source with excellent quality is the essential requirement in Doppler LiDAR systems.

Amonics offers performance leading fiber laser source with comprehensive output energy range from 10 to 150uJ (@ 200ns pulse duration). Leveraging from our rich experience on telecom applications, Amonics’ fiber pulsed laser is reliable (no moving parts, long life span), low cost, and built to operate in demanding outdoor environment (wide operation temperature range, rain drop proof module case) at 24/7 operation, which is perfect for atmospheric LiDAR systems.

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