Brightening the world with Advanced Photonics platform


Doppler LiDAR has been proven as a useful tool for measurements of atmospheric wind velocity and particle pollutant characterization. It is commonly employed in wind-farm systems for the purposes of metrological observation and optimization of green energy generation, in the pursuit of carbon emission reduction. A reliable laser source with excellent quality is the essential requirement in Doppler LiDAR systems.

Amonics offers performance leading fiber laser source with comprehensive output energy range from 10 to 150uJ (@ 200ns pulse duration). Leveraging from our rich experience on telecom applications, Amonics’ fiber pulsed laser is reliable (no moving parts, long life span), low cost, and built to operate in demanding outdoor environment (wide operation temperature range, rain drop proof module case) at 24/7 operation, which is perfect for atmospheric LiDAR systems.

Read more about ALiDAR
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