
Brightening the world with Advanced Photonics platform

Quality Policy

Amonics Ltd. is committed to supplying high quality photonics equipments. We are striving to meet or exceed our customer’s satisfaction as well as statutory and regulatory requirements by providing the following:

Our Office

Accurate Delivery Time

Accurate delivery time according to the shipping schedule.

Best Customer Services

Best customer services, these include fast and accurate feedbacks for sales and technical enquiries.

High Quality Equipments

High quality equipments with advanced design and functionality, meanwhile maintaining lowest possible failure rate.

Quality Management System

We are committed to improve the quality of our products, and the effectiveness of our quality management system by continual process improvement. All employees of Amonics Ltd. should be proud of being the contributors in supplying Amonics Ltd.’s high quality equipments.


Amonics has established and implemented a quality management system focusing on our customer’s satisfaction. We strongly believe that high quality cannot be realized unless all stakeholders along the supply-chain are properly managed, that is, from our suppliers, top management, employees, to our valued customers.

Our quality management system adopts a process approach to enable effective planning, implementation, and monitoring of Amonics’s operations. The performances of our processes are regularly analyzed, allowing us to make factual decisions for continual improvement. It is through our quality management system that makes Amonics Limited evolve with the ever changing technologies and customer’s expectation.

ISO 9001 Certification

With the successful implementation of our quality management system, Amonics Limited (HK) obtained ISO 9001 certification in July 2011. The certification scope covers the “Design and Manufacture of Photonics Equipments” and applies to our office and production site in Hong Kong. It is our pleasure to announce that all our products are manufactured under a HKQAA ISO 9001 certified quality management system.

CE & FCC Certification

UKCA Certification

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