About Us

Brightening the world with Advanced Photonics platform

Our Advantages

Extensive Research & Development

Specialists with good research skill

Engineer with strong academic background

Experienced in Optical Amplifier

Many years' experience in optical amplifier

Understand a variety of optical amplifiers

Commit to High Quality Photonics

Competitive quality management system

Customer-centric mindset

About the Company

Amonics Ltd. was founded in 2002 by a group of enthusiastic research scientists and competent engineers with many years of experience in the field of fiber optics and optical science. We started with small quantity of custom-made optical amplifiers for R&D; purposes and went on to establish ourselves as an international provider of a range of high quality photonics equipment for various high-end research and industrial applications.

We take pride in our capability to accommodate challenging technical specifications, as well as our capacity to cope with quality-demanding production of standard products. Our development on new technology and thus new products is informed by the latest research and the next in-demand applications.

Our Vision

To be a unique world leader of photonics instrumentation and integrated solutions provider with our brand recognized for product quality and customer centricity.

Our Mission

To advance optics technologies and facilitate their engineering applications by delivering our photonics instrumentation and integrated solutions with high quality and reliability and meeting application demands of our customers.

Headquartered in Hong Kong, Amonics is well-positioned to source the best fiber-optic and opto-electronic components worldwide to build quality into each product and bring out the best from our know-how. Our commitment to quality is evidenced by the ISO 9001 certification on our manufacturing process.

Our Office

Our Products

Amonics is the international leading specialist in the design and production of optical amplifiers and light sources. Our optical amplifier product line includes Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers (EDFAs), Ytterbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers (YDFAs), Raman Amplifiers and Hybrid Raman-EDFA Amplifiers, for transmission over metropolitan and long haul fiber optic communication networks. Our broadband light sources encompass Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE), 1050nm ASE, and Superluminescent Diode (SLED) broadband sources for optical component characterization and fiber-optic sensing applications.

By taking years of extensive research and mature manufacturing process forward, we have now successfully produced high-energy and delicate laser systems. Nano-second pulsed fiber laser systems for LiDAR applications are the latest addition to the list. They come with selections of pulse energy levels, pulse widths and repetition rates to suit applications of different probing ranges and resolutions. We also provide Narrow Line-width Laser systems with low phase-noise and RIN, high stability and tunability, particularly addressing the stringent requirements of optical heterodyne detection applications, such as coherent detection systems. Our Raman Laser systems are characterized by their reliable performance over a long span of wavelengths. They are the essential elements in system integration for various applications of medical instrumentation, communication and remote sensing.

In addition, we offer a line of products for optical transmission applications, which includes DFB lasers, FP lasers, Lightwave Transmitters, Lightwave Converters, Lightwave Receivers, and optical switches.

Amonics Products on FindLight

We recently joined FindLight – an online database and product catalog for lasers, optics, and photonics equipment.

At www.findlight.net you can find Amonics’ fiber lasers and fiber amplifiers, and use the built-in search filters to filter out products according to the specifications that fit your needs.

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