Picosecond Fiber Laser

Amonics' picosecond fiber laser are with high speed gain switched semiconductor laser and high power pulse optical amplifier.This architecture offers high stability and flexibility in tuning of repetition rate. The typical pulse width of picoseconds laser is < 50 ps, pulse repetition rate up to 100 MHz, and average power up to 10 Watt. For smaller pulse width, we also offer solution using passive mode-locking technique.The applications of the picosecond fiber laser include material processing, precision glass cutting, and biomedical measurements.

Picosecond Fiber Laser

Center wavelength* 1550 nm 1550 nm
Signal Peak Power(50 ps pulse width, 100 MHz rep rate)* Min. +2 kW Min. +2 kW
Pulse Width Typ. 50 ps Typ. 50 ps
Pulse Repetition Rate 10 MHz to 100 MHz 10 MHz to 100 MHz
Saturated Output Min. 40 dBm Min. 40 dBm
Output isolation Min. 30 dB Min. 30 dB
Polarization Extinction Ratio NA Typ. 23 dB, Min. 20 dB
Optical Fiber SMF-28 PM 1550 Panda Fiber
Different wavelength, pulse width, repetition, and output power models are available upon request

High Peak Power Picosecond Fiber Laser

Center wavelength* 1550 nm 1550 nm
Signal Peak Power (50ps pulse width, 20MHz rep rate)* Min. +10 kW Min. +10 kW
Pulse Width Typ. 50 ps Typ. 50 ps
Pulse Repetition Rate 10 MHz to 100 MHz 10 MHz to 100 MHz
Saturated Output Power min. 10 W min. 10 W
Output isolation Min. 30 dB Min. 30 dB
Polarization Extinction Ratio NA Typ. 23 dB, Min. 20 dB
Optical Fiber LDF 25/300 PM LDF 25/300
Different wavelength, pulse width, repetition, and output power models are available upon request

General Parameters

unit value
Operation Temperature °C 0 to +40
Storage Temperature °C -10 to +70
Power Supply VAC 90 – 240, 47 – 63Hz
2U Rackmount Dimensions mm 485(W) x 515(D) x 90(H) or 485(W) x 360(D) x 90(H)
3U Rackmount Dimensions mm 485(W) x 615(D) x 150(H)
Control Keylock switch, Pump laser current
RF Input Port SMA (female) [TTL Trigger Signal]
LCD Display Output power, Pump laser current, Input power (Optional)
Computer Interface RS232 (Control software & connection cable included) / Ethernet (Optional)
Protection Pump laser over heat warning
Optical Connector FC/APC, FC/UPC, SC/APC, SC/UPC, collimator, bare fiber (No output connectors for output power >2W)


Pulse picker for low repetition rate down to 100kHz

Ordering Information

Product Code
APSFL-aaa-bbb-cc-R-dd or APSFL-PM-aaa-bbb-cc-R-dd
aaa : Pulse Width in ps
bbb : Repetition rate in MHz
cc: Average Output Power in dBm
dd: FA for FC/APC, FC for FC/UPC, SA for SC/APC, SC for SC/UPC, CL for collimator, NC for bare fiber

Key Features

High output power
Wide operation range
Highly reliable and durable

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