1064nm 1W Pulse Laser

Amonics offers Pulse Laser at 1064nm with high pulse peak power. The laser features tunable pulse width from 10ns to 1us and no short pulse driving source is required. It is ideal for applications demanding laser emission with high pulse peak power.

The turnkey microprocessor controlled Pulse Laser comes in both benchtop and rackmount casings. It is equipped with alarms and status indicators. An integrated RS232 computer interface provides easy control, diagnostic functions and data acquisition. Available options include single frequency operation and linearly polarized operation.


Pulse Peak Power Min. 700 mW, Typ. 1 W
Center Wavelength 1064 nm
Pulse Width 5 ns to 100 ns (duty cycle < 2 %, repetition rate < 500 kHz)
On/Off Extinction ratio Min. 25 dB
Trigger voltage TTL (standard)
Other wavelength or output power models are available upon request.

General Parameters

unit value remarks
Operation Temperature °C 0 to +40
Storage Temperature °C -10 to +70
Power Supply VAC 90 – 240, 47 – 63Hz
Benchtop Dimensions mm 260(W) x 330(D) x 120(H)
1U Rackmount Dimensions mm 485(W) x 360(D) x 45(H) Other standard rackmount sizes are also available
Mechanical Safety Control Key-lock switch, BNC interlock key
Optical Power Monitoring Output power
Remote Control Port DB-9 female (RS232), Control software included, RJ-45 (TCP/IP Ethernet) (optional)
RF Port SMA or BNC
Protection Pump laser (TEC) overheat
Optical Connector FC/APC, FC/UPC, SC/APC, SC/UPC
Optical Fiber Hi-1060 / PM 980


Linear polarized

Ordering Information

Product Code
aaaa: Wavelength in nm
bb: Output power in W
c: B for Benchtop, R for 19” Rackmount
dd: FA for FC/APC, FC for FC/UPC, SA for SC/APC, SC for SC/UPC

Key Features

Turnkey device
RS232 computer interface
High output power
Single mode fiber delivery
Highly reliability and durable

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