C+L Band ASE Broadband Light Source

Amonics C+L band ASE light source features high output power, very wide spectral range and high stability against temperature change. It is available in both benchtop and module casings.

The benchtop version incorporates a user-friendly front panel housing with a LCD monitor display, key switch, power control knob and optical connectors. RS232 or Ethernet computer interface is also equipped.

The OEM module version is an ideal building block for OEM system integration, especially in fiber optic sensing and optical tomography applications. It requires a single +5V power supply only.


Output Power Typ. 15 dBm Min. 14 dBm Typ. 17 dBm Min. 16 dBm Typ. 20 dBm Min. 19 dBm Typ. 23 dBm Min. 20 dBm Typ. 25 dBm Min. 24 dBm
Min. Spectral Density -12 dBm/nm -10 dBm/nm -8 dBm/nm -5 dBm/nm -4 dBm/nm
Spectral Range 1528 nm to 1608 nm 1528 nm to 1608 nm 1528 nm to 1608 nm 1528 nm to 1608 nm 1528 nm to 1608 nm
Output Stability Max. + / -0.02 dB (over 8 hrs), Max. + / -0.005 dB (over 5 mins) Max. + / -0.02 dB (over 8 hrs), Max. + / -0.005 dB (over 5 mins) Max. + / -0.02 dB (over 8 hrs), Max. + / -0.005 dB (over 5 mins) Max. + / -0.02 dB (over 8 hrs), Max. + / -0.005 dB (over 5 mins) Max. + / -0.02 dB (over 8 hrs), Max. + / -0.005 dB (over 5 mins)
Output Isolation Min. 40 dB Min. 40 dB Min. 40 dB Min. 40 dB Min. 40 dB
Output Polarization Max. 5% Max. 5% Max. 5% Max. 5% Max. 5%
Other output power models are available upon request.

General Parameters

unit benchtop module
Operation Temperature °C 0 to +40 0 to +40
Storage Temperature °C -10 to +70 -10 to +70
Power Supply V 90 – 240VAC, 47 – 63Hz 5.0 ± 0.1 VDC
Dimensions mm 260(W) x 330(D) x 120(H) 120(W) x 200(D) x 25(H) for ALS-CL-15, 17, 20 Customized on request for ALS-CL-23, 25
Electrical Connector NA 14-pin MIL Socket
Protection Pump laser (TEC) overheat Pump laser (TEC) overheat
Optical Power Monitoring Output power Output power
Mechanical Safety Control Key-lock switch, BNC interlock key NA
Remote Control Port RS232 / Ethernet NA
Optical Fiber SMF-28 SMF-28


Gain flattening filter (GFF)
Low degree of polarization (Low DOP)

Ordering Information

Product Code
aa: Output power in dBm
b: M for Module, B for Benchtop
cc: FA for FC/APC, FC for FC/UPC, SA for SC/APC, SC for SC/UPC

Key Features

Wide spectral range
High output power
Good spectral stability
Good performance cost ratio
Highly reliable and durable

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