Optical Communication Platform

The new Amonics Optical Communication Platform (AOCP-100) is designed to house up to 8 optical plug-in modules including tunable laser, optical fiber amplifier, optical power meter, variable optical attenuator, DFB laser, SLD, optical switch and many more. All modules are supported by Amonics.

Users can control and monitor each module individually through the front panel LCD display and remote control via USB. Computer interface via TCP/IP ethernet will be possible.

The Optical Communication Platform is available in standard 3U mainframe casing.

Plug-in Module Specifications: Tunable Laser

Laser Output Power +7 to +13 dBm +7 to +13 dBm +10 to +16 dBm +10 to +16 dBm
Wavelength Tuning Range 1527.60 nm to 1565.50 nm 1570.00 nm to 1608.80 nm 1527.60 nm to 1565.50 nm 1570.00 nm to 1608.80 nm
Wavelength Tuning Resolution 0.01 nm 0.01 nm 0.01 nm 0.01 nm
Wavelength Tuning Accurancy ±0.02 nm ±0.02 nm ±0.02 nm ±0.02 nm
Power Resolution 0.1 dB 0.1 dB 0.1 dB 0.1 dB
Power Accuracy ±1 dB ±1 dB ±1 dB ±1 dB
SMSR Typ. 50 dB, Min. 40 dB Typ. 50 dB, Min. 40 dB Typ. 50 dB, Min. 40 dB Typ. 50 dB, Min. 40 dB
OSNR Typ. 60 dB, Min. 40 dB Typ. 60 dB, Min. 40 dB Typ. 60 dB, Min. 40 dB Typ. 60 dB, Min. 40 dB
Laser FWHM Linewidth Typ. 100 kHz, Max. 200 kHz Typ. 100 kHz, Max. 200 kHz Typ. 100 kHz, Max. 200 kHz Typ. 100 kHz, Max. 200 kHz
Dimension 35.2 mm x 128.7 mm x 232 mm 35.2 mm x 128.7 mm x 232 mm 35.2 mm x 128.7 mm x 232 mm 35.2 mm x 128.7 mm x 232 mm
L-Band or other output power models and PM version are available upon request

Plug-in Module Specifications: Optical Fiber Amplifier

Saturated Output Power Min. +13 dBm Min. +18 dBm NA
Input Signal Level -6 to +6 dBm -25 to -3 dBm -40 to -10 dBm
Noise Figure Max. 5.5 dB @-3 dBm input Max. 5.5 dB @-20 dBm input Max. 4.5 dB @-20 dBm input
Optical Gain Min. 19 dB @-6 dBm input Min. 30 dB @-25 dBm input Min. 35 dB @-40 dBm input
Operation Wavelength 1530 nm to 1563 nm 1530 nm to 1563 nm 1530 nm to 1563 nm
Input / Output Isolation Min. 30 dB Min. 30 dB Min. 30 dB
Polarization Dependent Gain Typ. 0.3 dB, Max. 0.5 dB Typ. 0.3 dB, Max. 0.5 dB Typ. 0.3 dB, Max. 0.5 dB
Polarization Mode Dispersion Max. 0.3 ps Max. 0.3 ps Max. 0.3 ps
Dimension 35.2 mm x 128.7 mm x 232 mm 35.2 mm x 128.7 mm x 232 mm 35.2 mm x 128.7 mm x 232 mm
L-Band or other output power models and PM version are available upon request

Plug-in Module Specifications: High Power EDFA Specifications

Saturation Output Power (at 0dBm input signal) Min. +27 dBm Min. +30 dBm Min. +33 dBm
Input Signal Level -6 to +3 dBm -6 to +3 dBm -6 to +3 dBm
Noise Figure (typ.) (at 0dBm input signal) 5.5 dB 6.0 dB 6.0 dB
Operating Wavelength 1535 nm to 1565 nm 1540 nm to 1565 nm 1540 nm to 1565 nm
Input / Output Isolation Min. 30 dB Min. 30 dB Min. 30 dB
Polarization Dependent Gain Typ. 0.3 dB, Max. 0.5 dB Typ. 0.3 dB, Max. 0.5 dB Typ. 0.3 dB, Max. 0.5 dB
Control Mode ACC, APC, AGC (optional) ACC, APC, AGC (optional) ACC, APC, AGC (optional)
Dimension 70.4 mm x 128.7 mm x 232 mm 70.4 mm x 128.7 mm x 232 mm 70.4 mm x 128.7 mm x 232 mm
L-Band or other output power models and PM version are available upon request

Ordering Information

Product Code
Please contact us on the specifications and product codes of plug-in modules

Key Features

Turnkey device
USB computer interface
Support up to 8 plug-in modules or four 2-slot plug-in modules
User friendly
Compact and durable

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