EDFA Module

Amonics EDFA module, operated on a single +5V power supply, is an ideal building block for OEM system integration as it comes with the essential EDFA functions to serve various purposes and the interfaces ready for system integration.

Photodetection of output and/or input signal is included. Three different control modes, ACC, APC and AGC, are available to meet different requirements.


Saturation Output Power (at -3dBm input signal) Min. +13 dBm Min. +18 dBm Min. +23 dBm
Small-Signal Gain at 1550nm (at -30dBm input signal) Min. 30 dB Min. 32 dB Min. 37 dB
Noise Figure (at -3dBm input signal) Typ. 5.0 dB, Max. 5.5 dB Typ. 5.0 dB, Max. 5.5 dB Typ. 5.5 dB, Max. 6.0 dB
Operating Wavelength 1528 nm to 1563 nm 1528 nm to 1563 nm 1528 nm to 1563 nm
Input Isolation Min. 30 dB Min. 30 dB Min. 30 dB
Output Isolation Min. 30 dB Min. 30 dB Min. 30 dB
Polarization Dependent Gain Typ. 0.3 dB, Max. 0.5 dB Typ. 0.3 dB, Max. 0.5 dB Typ. 0.3 dB, Max. 0.5 dB
Control Mode ACC, APC, AGC (optional) ACC, APC, AGC (optional) ACC, APC, AGC (optional)
Other output power models are available upon request

General Parameters

unit value
Operation Temperature °C 0 to 40
Storage Temperature °C -10 to 70
Power Supply VDC 5.0 ± 0.1
AEDFA-13/ AEDFA-18 Dimensions mm 100(W) x 120(D) x 22(H)
AEDFA -23 Dimensions mm 120(W) x 200(D) x 25(H)
Optical Power Monitoring Output power, Input power (optional)
Electrical Connector Interface 14-pin MIL Socket for AEDFA-13, AEDFA-18 ; DB25 Connector for AEDFA-23
Protection Pump laser (TEC) overheat
Optical Connector FC/APC, FC/UPC, SC/APC, SC/UPC
Optical Fiber Min. 0.5m long SMF-28


Gain flattening filtering

Ordering Information

Product Code
aa: Saturation output power in dBm
bb: FA for FC/APC, FC for FC/UPC, SA for SC/APC, SC for SC/UPC

Key Features

Small foot print
High output power
High gain
Wide operation range
Single +5V power supply
Highly reliable and durable

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