DFB Light Source

Amonics' DFB laser sources are with high output power and high power and wavelength stability.The wavelengths available include the ITU grids in C and L band.Special wavelengths such as 1030 nm, 1064 nm and 1650 nm are also available. The application of the DFB lasers include high capacity optical communications and fiber optic sensing.


Wavelength Customer specified
Output Power 1 mW, 10 mW, 20 mW, 40 mW
3dB Linewidth Typ. 2 to 5 MHz, Max.10 MHz
Output Stability Max. +/- 0.02 dB (over 8 hrs), Max. +/-0.005 dB (over 5 mins)
Output Isolation Max. 25 dB
Side Mode Suppression Ratio Max. 40 dB
SMF power and FWHM cover a wide range on each center wavelength. Customization is available. Please contact us on the required specifications.

General Parameters

unit Benchtop Module
Operation Temperature °C 0 to +40 0 to +40
Storage Temperature °C -10 to +70 -10 to +70
Power Supply V 90 – 240VAC, 47 – 63Hz 5.0 VDC ± 0.1 VDC
Dimensions mm 260(W) x 330(D) x 120(H) 100(W) x 120(D) x 18(H)
Electrical Connector NA 14-pin MIL Socket
LCD Display DFB Laser Current (mA), Output Power NA
Control Keylock switch, BNC interlock key NA
Protection DFB laser overheat DFB laser overheat
Remote Control Port RS232 / Ethernet NA
Optical Fiber PM 1550 or SMF-28 PM 1550 or SMF-28


Intensity modulation up to 1MHz

Ordering Information

Product Code
aaaa: Wavelength
bb: Output Power in mW
c: M for module, B for Benchtop
dd: FA for FC/APC, FC for FC/UPC, SA for SC/APC, SC for SC/UPC

Key Features

Wide wavelength selection range
High output power
Good wavelength stability
Compact size
Good performance cost ratio

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