High Power CW Fiber Laser

Amonics' Fiber Laser (AFL) is a compact standalone turnkey equipment to deliver up to 30W output power in 1550nm range under CW operation. Based on proprietary all fiber design, Amonics fiber laser is maintenance free. No post-installation service is required.

Since the AFL adopts master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) design, it can provide high power output with different linewidth levels. AFL is the ideal candidate for a wide range of industrial application.


Mode of Operation CW
Average Output Power 1 W, 5 W, 10 W, 20 W, 30 W
Wavelength 1550 nm range
Laser Linewidth 10 MHz to 100 GHz
Polarization Linear or random
Polarization Extinction Ratio (PM Version) Typ. 23 dB, Min. 20 dB

General Parameters

unit value
Operation Temperature °C 0 to +40
Storage Temperature °C -10 to +70
Power Supply VAC 90 - 240, 47 - 63Hz
Dimensions mm Benchtop, 260(W) x 330(D) x 120(H) [Output power <5W]
Dimensions mm 2U Rackmount, 485(W) x 515(D) x 90(H) or 485(W) x 360(D) x 90(H) [Output power >5W]
Dimensions mm 3U Rackmount, 485(W) x 615(D) x 150(H) [Output power >5W]
Control Keylock switch, optical output power
Optical Power Monitoring Output power, Seed power
Remote Control Port RS232, TCP/IP ethernet (optional)
Protection Pump laser (TEC) overheat
Optical Port Main output, Seed laser, Output tap
Output Termination Collimator, Bare fiber

Ordering Information

Product Code
AFL-aaaa-bb-c-dd or AFL-PM-aaaa-bb-c-dd
aaaa : Wavelength in nm
bb : Output power in dBm
c: B for Benchtop, R for 19 inches Rackmount
dd : CL for collimator, NC for bare fiber

Key Features

Up to 30W output power
Turnkey device
Maintenance free
Linear or random polarization
Highly reliable and durable
Narrow linewidth operation (Optional)
Optical feedback protection (Optional)
Back reflection monitoring (Optional)

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