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Prod ID Lang Name Prod Code Taggings Applications Description
85 Eng Customized Raman Amplifier ARA-aaaa-bbb-C-dd Micro-machining
Fiber Optic Sensing
Amonics Raman Amplifier is a high power pump laser source for distributed optical amplification of optical signals in the C or C+L band. ... Amonics Raman Amplifier is a high power pump laser
source for distributed optical amplification of o
ptical signals in the C or C+L band. ...
33 Eng High Power CW Fiber Laser AFL-aaaa-bb-c-dd
1.55um Fiber Laser
Fiber Optic Sensing
Amonics' Fiber Laser (AFL) is a compact standalone turnkey equipment to deliver up to 30W output power in 1550nm range under CW operation. Based on proprietary all fiber design, Amonics fiber laser is ... Amonics' Fiber Laser (AFL) is a compact standalone
turnkey equipment to deliver up to 30W output pow
er in 1550nm range under CW operation. Based on pr ...
28 Eng Nanosecond Fiber Laser ANSFL(-PM)(-UL)-aaa-bb-cc-R-dd 1.55um Fiber Laser
1550nm Pulse Fiber Laser
High power ultrashort pulse amplification
Fiber Optic Sensing
High-resolution optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR)
Amonics' nanosecond fiber lasers are with high pulse energy and excellent pulse energy stability. We offer nanosecond fibers with direct modulation diode seed lasers and narrow linewidth seed lasers w ... Amonics' nanosecond fiber lasers are with high pul
se energy and excellent pulse energy stability. We
offer nanosecond fibers with direct modulation di ...
3 record(s) found

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