HP EDFA Module for Free Space Communication Application

Amonics' HP (high power) EDFA module series offers eye-safe, single mode, single mode (linear polarized) fiber amplifier. The module can be applied to laser link among satellites in low-Earth orbit. It offers advantages over radio frequencies for ground station-to-satellite and inter-satellite links above the atmosphere: higher transmission bandwidth, smaller receivers, and tighter beams to enhance security. The HP EDFA module series is maintenance free with no post-installation service required. It is a versatile, ready-to-use and durable laser source for various free space communication applications as well as integration to OEM system.


AEDFA-42-M-NC Remark
Mode of Operation CW Mode
Saturated Output Power Min. +15 W Input Power = -10 to 0 dBm
Input Wavelength 1550.12 ± 0.4 mm ITU Ch34, Other channels are available
Input Signal Level -20 to 0 dBm
Noise Figure Typ. 5.0 , Max 5.5 dB Input Power = 0 dBm
Input & Output Isolation Min. 30 dB
Return Loss Min. 45 dB
Polarization Dependent Gain Typ. 0.3 dB, Max. 0.5 dB SM Version
Polarization Mode Dispersion Typ. 0.3 ps, Max. 0.5 ps SM Version
Polarization Extinction Ratio Typ. 23 dB, Min. 20 dB PM Version
Control Mode ACC, APC (10-100%)

General Parameters

Value remark
Operation Temperature °C -5 to +65 Case Temperature
Storage Temperature °C -10 to +70
Power Supply VDC 24 ± 0.5
Dimensions mm 350(W) x 350(D) x 35(H)
Protection Pump Laser (TEC) Overheat, Loss of Input Signal,Output Power Protection, Mid-Stage Protection
Optical Terminal Min. 2.0m 3mm PVC cable Input: FC/APC pigtail Output: Bare fiber Output Tap Port: FC/APC Receptacle
Optical Fiber SMF-28 or PM 1550 Panda Input: FC/APC pigtail Output: Bare fiber Output Tap Port: FC/APC Receptacle
Remote Control Port RS232
Electrical Connector 7W2C header


Other voltage supply
Linear polarization emission
Mid-stage bandpass filter for different wavelength and low input power

Ordering Information

Product Code
SM version:AEDFA-aa-M-bb or PM Version:AEDFA-PM-aa-M-bb
aa: Saturated output power in dBm
b: FA for FC/APC, FC for FC/UPC, SA for SC/APC, SC for SC/UPC, NC for bare fiber, CL for collimator *Output connector can be added for low power testing only(<5W)

Key Features

Fiber coupled output up to 15W
Eye-safe wavelength in 1550nm range
Narrow linewidth operation
Low RIN & low phase noise
Wide operating temperature, from -20 to +65°C
Robust and reliable, compact design
24 VDC power supply with lowest consumption
High reliability & Maintenance free

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