High Power 1064nm Narrow Linewidth Fiber Laser

Amonics' high power 1064 nm narrow linewidth fiber lasers are with very narrow linewidth, high power stability, and low RIN noise. The standard model of 1064 nm narrow linewidth fiber laser delivers up to 2 Watt output, with linewidth < 15 kHz and RIN noise < -135 dB/Hz for frequency below 100 kHz. Other linewidths can be customized according to customers requests. The applications of the narrow linewidth laser include free spacing sensing, 532 nm second harmonic laser generation, and experiments in nonlinear fiber optic.


AULLD series
Laser Wavelength 1062 to 1066 nm, CW @ rated power
Optical Output Power 13 dBm, 17 dBm, 20 dBm, 23 dBm, 27 dBm, 30 dBm, 33 dBm
Linewidth FWHM, Lorentzian Max. 15 kHz CW @rated power
Optical Isolation Min. 25 dB, under operation temp.
Side-mode Suppression Ratio Min. 35 dB, Typ. 45, CW @rated power
Relative Intensity Noise Shot noise limited @ frequency Min. 100 kHz
Output Power Stability Max. +0.2 dB (within 8 hrs), Max. +0.03 dB (within 10 mins) CW @ rated power and constant environment temperature
Wavelength Stability Max. +0.005 nm (within 8 hrs), Max. +0.001nm (within 10 mins) CW @rated power and constant environment temperature

General Parameters

unit value
Operation Temperature °C 0 to +40
Storage Temperature °C -10 to +70
Power Supply VDC +12V ± 0.25V
Module Dimensions mm 300(W) x 250(D) x 70(H)
Optical Power Monitoring Output power
Remote Control Port DB-9 female (RS232)
Protection Pump laser (TEC) overheat
Optical Connector FC/APC, FC/UPC, SC/APC, SC/UPC, bare fiber
Optical Fiber PM 980, Hi-1060 (optional)

Ordering Information

Product Code
aa: Default (or unspecified) for single mode, PM for polarization maintaining
bbbb: Wavelength in nm
cc: Laser linewidth in kHz
dd: Output power in dBm
ee: FA for FC/APC, FC for FC/UPC, CL for collimator, SA for SC/APC, SC for SC/UPC, NC for bare fiber

Key Features

Narrow linewidth
Low phase noise
Ultra low RIN
High output power, up to 2W
RS232 remote control
Ultra stable
Linear polarized output (Option)
Wavelength tunability (Option)

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