10G Receiver Module

Amonics' PR10G 10Gbit/s ac-coupled photo-receiver integrates a high speed pin diode and a GaAs preamplifier to provide high performance. Featuring high transimpedance coupled with a nonquantizing limiting buffer output, it provides high gain while limiting the maximum output swing, and thus simplifying the interface to subsequent stages. The unit is light weight, compact and easy to use.


10G Receiver Module
Sensitivity (10^-10 BER) Min. -18 dBm, Typ. -20 dBm
Overload (10^-13 BER) Min. 0 dBm, Typ. +2 dBm
Operation Wavelength Range 1280 nm to 1580 nm
Maximum ac output voltage swing Typ. 350 mVp-p
Low/high frequency cutoff Max. 30 kHz / Min. 8 GHz
Total input noise (0.1 to 20 GHz) Max. 1200 nA rms
Optical Connector FC/APC
RF Connector SMA female (K type)
Supply Voltage 9V Battery or 12 VDC
Operation Temperature -5 to +70 ℃
Storage Temperature -10 to +75 ℃
Dimension 68(W) x 130(D) x 25(H) mm

Ordering Information

Product Code

Key Features

AC Coupling
High Transimpedance Coupling
Compact in size
Wide Frequency Bandwidth
Broad Wavelength Bandwidth
Good performance cost ratio
Highly reliable and durable

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