Emergency Alternative EDFA system

Telecommunication systems are vitally important in our daily lives, even more so during the rescue and recovery processes upon natural disasters, such as the earthquake hitting the east-coast of Japan in 2011. The deadly earthquake rattled the nation coast before unleashing a deadly tsunami that swept away cars, homes and businesses as it touched land. The communication infrastructure was among the victims. Rapid rebuilding of the telecommunication system becomes an absolute priority.

Amonics’ Emergency Alternative EDFA system is a hand-held battery-powered Bi-directional Packet Switching DWDM EDFA module. It is designed for instant reconnection of fractured telecommunication system under emergency conditions. This all-in-one EDFA device features long operating time, lightweight and waterproof (IP68) casing.


Input Power -16 dBm to -3 dBm
Output Power * (@ -3 dBm input signal) Min. +15 dBm
Noise Figure (@ -3 dBm input signal) Typ. 5.0 dB, Max. 5.5 dB
Operating Wavelength # 1537.37 nm to 1561.62 nm
Gain Flatness Max. +/- 1.2 dB
Optical Gain (@ -3 dBm Input signal) Min. 18 dB
Gain Excursion Typ. 0.1 dB/ms, Max. +/- 0.2 dB/ms
Input and Output Isolation Min. 30 dB
Polarization Dependent Gain Max. 0.5 dB
Control Mode ACC (Option: APC, AGC)
* Other output power models are available upon request
# EDFAs of other wavelength ranges, such as L-band, are available

General Parameters

unit value
Operation Temperature °C 0 to +40
Storage Temperature °C -10 to +70
Power Supply VDC 12V
Dimensions mm 156.3(W) x 275(D) x 81.3(H) without protective cover
Optical Connector LC/UPC
Optical Fiber SMF-28


Customized casing size, optical performance, control mode and power supply requirements are also available upon request.
Amonics supplies EDFAs of other types, such as pre-amp or Booster

Ordering Information

Product Code
Please contact Amonics for detailed specifications

Key Features

Non-interrupt power supply allows continuous operation
Rechargeable batteries for backup operation
Intelligent battery management
Bi-directional EDFA system
Light weight
Waterproof casing

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