Prod ID | Lang | Name | Prod Code | Taggings | Applications | Description | |
47 | Eng | 10G Receiver Module | PR10G |
Others ( Test / Measurement / Education )
CATV and 10G-Enet Transmitter/Receiver components testing Optical Network System Bit Error Rate Testing |
Amonics' PR10G 10Gbit/s ac-coupled photo-receiver integrates a high speed pin diode and a GaAs preamplifier to provide high performance. Featuring high transimpedance coupled with a nonquantizing limi ...
Amonics' PR10G 10Gbit/s ac-coupled photo-receiver
integrates a high speed pin diode and a GaAs pream plifier to provide high performance. Featuring hig ... |
7 | Eng | 1550nm Semiconductor Optical Amplifier |
ASOAaa-bb-c-dd ASOAaa-PM-bb-c-dd |
1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA |
Booster and in-line amplification in WDW Metro Network Systems
Network loss compensation |
Amonics SOA is a polarization maintaining optical amplifier with high fiber-to-fiber gain. It is designed for transmitter applications to increase optical launch power to compensate for the loss of ot ...
Amonics SOA is a polarization maintaining optical
amplifier with high fiber-to-fiber gain. It is des igned for transmitter applications to increase opt ... |
6 | Eng | CATV Erbium Doped Amplifier (EDFA) |
AEDFA-CA-aa-b-cc AEDFA-MPdd-ee-M-cc |
1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA |
LANs and MANs Fiber Optic Sensing CATV Networks Laboratory |
CATV EDFAs inherit the reliable design of Amonics’s optical amplifier technology. They exhibit high output power, high gain with very low noise. They are thus ideal for CATV applications. CATV EDFAs a ...
CATV EDFAs inherit the reliable design of Amonics’
s optical amplifier technology. They exhibit high output power, high gain with very low noise. They ... |
56 | 中文 | CATV光纖放大器 |
1.55 微米放大器
連續(xù)光纖放大器 |
光纖通信 光纖傳感 有線電視 實驗室 |
CATV光纖放大器(EDFA)是Amonics為有線電視行業(yè)專門研發(fā)的產(chǎn)品,內(nèi)部采用了高功率和高性能的半導體泵浦激光器、高穩(wěn)定性的波分復用器(合束器),具有高功 率輸出、高增益和低噪聲指數(shù) 的優(yōu)點,是高功率EDFA系統(tǒng)的理想所選。CATV光纖放 大器(EDFA)是一款完整的Turn-Key系統(tǒng),內(nèi)部采用微處理器控制,前面板設(shè)有報警和 狀態(tài)指示燈,并集成了RS232 接口適合于計算機遠程控制、分析以 ...
的半導體泵浦激光器、高穩(wěn)定性的波分復用器(合束器),具有高功 率輸出、高增益和低噪聲指數(shù) 的優(yōu)點,是 高功率EDFA系統(tǒng)的理想所選。CATV光纖放 大器(EDFA)是一款完整的Turn-Key系統(tǒng),內(nèi)部 ... |
22 | Eng | C-Band Raman Amplifier | ARA-C-aaa-b-cc |
1.55um Amplifier
Optical Communications Fiber Optic Sensing CATV Laboratory |
Amonics Raman Amplifier is a high-power laser light source for distributed optical amplification of optical signals in the C or L band. ...
Amonics Raman Amplifier is a high-power laser ligh
t source for distributed optical amplification of optical signals in the C or L band. ... |
2 | Eng | C+L Band EDFA | AEDFA-CL-aa-b-cc |
1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA |
Optical Communications Fiber Optic Sensing CATV Laboratory |
Amonics offers C+L band EDFAs which are commonly used in a wide range of applications including free space communications, coherent beam combining and detection systems. The compact turnkey benchtop o ...
Amonics offers C+L band EDFAs which are commonly u
sed in a wide range of applications including free space communications, coherent beam combining and ... |
78 | Eng | C+L Band Raman Amplifier | ARA-CL-aaa-R-bb |
1.55um Amplifier
Optical Communications Fiber Optic Sensing CATV Laboratory |
Amonics Raman Amplifier is a high power pump laser source for distributed optical amplification of optical signals in the C or C+L band. ...
Amonics Raman Amplifier is a high power pump laser
source for distributed optical amplification of o ptical signals in the C or C+L band. ... |
12 | Eng | EDFA Module | AEDFA-aa-M-bb |
1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA |
LANs and MANs Fiber Optic Sensing CATV Networks Laboratory |
Amonics EDFA module, operated on a single +5V power supply, is an ideal building block for OEM system integration as it comes with the essential EDFA functions to serve various purposes and the interf ...
Amonics EDFA module, operated on a single +5V powe
r supply, is an ideal building block for OEM syste m integration as it comes with the essential EDFA ... |
11 | Eng | High Power EDFA | AEDFA-aa-b-cc |
1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA |
Optical Communications Fiber Optic Sensing CATV Laboratory |
Amonics’ High Power EDFA series offer saturated output power from 0.5W to 20W. It is a standalone turnkey device, available in benchtop or rackmount casing. ...
Amonics’ High Power EDFA series offer saturated ou
tput power from 0.5W to 20W. It is a standalone tu rnkey device, available in benchtop or rackmount c ... |
19 | Eng | High Power Full C-Band EDFA |
AEDFA-PM-C-aa-b-cc AEDFA-C-aa-b-cc |
1.55um Amplifier
Polarization Maintaining EDFA |
Optical Communications Fiber Optic Sensing CATV Laboratory |
Amonics offers full C-Band EDFAs for various applications. Including free space communications, coherent beam combining, and detection system. The output light is linearly polarized with high polariza ...
Amonics offers full C-Band EDFAs for various appli
cations. Including free space communications, cohe rent beam combining, and detection system. The out ... |
98 | Eng | High Power PM EDFA Compact Module |
AEDFA-PM-aa-M-bb a |
1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA Polarization Maintaining EDFA |
Optical Communications Fiber Optic Sensing CATV Laboratory |
Amonics’ High Power PM EDFA compact module series offer saturated output power from 27dBm to 34dBm. It operates on a single DC power supply, is an ideal building block for OEM system integration as it ...
Amonics’ High Power PM EDFA compact module series
offer saturated output power from 27dBm to 34dBm. It operates on a single DC power supply, is an ide ... |
21 | Eng | High Power Polarization Maintaining EDFA | AEDFA-PM-aa-b-cc |
1.55um Amplifier
Polarization Maintaining EDFA |
Optical Communications Fiber Optic Sensing CATV Laboratory |
Amonics' high power polarization maintaining EDFA can amplify polarized signal to very high power level.Our high power polarization maintaining EDFA can amplify optical signal up to 10 Watt optical po ...
Amonics' high power polarization maintaining EDFA
can amplify polarized signal to very high power le vel.Our high power polarization maintaining EDFA c ... |
46 | Eng | Lightwave Converter |
Lightwave Converter |
Others ( Test / Measurement / Education )
CATV and 10G-Enet Remote RF Analog Link Laboratory Testing and Transponder Evaluation |
The Lightwave Converter is a high performance integrated lightwave transmitter for building digital and analog optical transmission system. Having combined a high power laser, broadband Lithium Niobat ...
The Lightwave Converter is a high performance inte
grated lightwave transmitter for building digital and analog optical transmission system. Having com ... |
45 | Eng | Lightwave Receiver |
Lightwave Receiver |
Others ( Test / Measurement / Education )
CATV and 10G-Enet Transmitter/Receiver components Testing Optical Network System Bit Error Testing |
This general purpose optical receiver is designed for high speed testing of optical network systems and components. The standard receiver unit is able to detect modulation frequency up to 11.5GHz. A b ...
This general purpose optical receiver is designed
for high speed testing of optical network systems and components. The standard receiver unit is able ... |
15 | Eng | Linear Erbium Doped Amplifier (EDFA) | AEDFA-LI-aa-b-cc |
1.55um Amplifier
Specialist EDFA |
Optical Communications Fiber Optic Sensing CATV |
Amonics’ specialist products, Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifiers(EDFA), are made with high power pump laser and high stability pump combiners, robust in high power boosting. The result are EDFAs that posse ...
Amonics’ specialist products, Erbium-doped Fiber A
mplifiers(EDFA), are made with high power pump las er and high stability pump combiners, robust in hi ... |
1 | Eng | Pre-Amp, Booster and In-line Amplifier | AEDFA-aa-bb-c-dd |
1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA |
Optical Communications Pre-amp, Booster & In-line emulation CATV Laboratory |
Amonics’ EDFA range adopts unique design to produce maximum signal gain and saturated output power while maintaining low noise figure, enabling test capabilities in system or component level manufactu ...
Amonics’ EDFA range adopts unique design to produc
e maximum signal gain and saturated output power w hile maintaining low noise figure, enabling test c ... |
80 | Eng | Semiconductor Optical Amplifier(SOA) |
ASOAaa-bb-c-dd ASOAaa-PM-bb-c-dd |
Booster and in-line amplification in WDW Metro Network Systems
Network loss compensation |
Amonics SOA is a polarization maintaining optical amplifier with high fiber-to-fiber gain. It is designed for transmitter applications to increase optical launch power to compensate for the loss of ot ...
Amonics SOA is a polarization maintaining optical
amplifier with high fiber-to-fiber gain. It is des igned for transmitter applications to increase opt ... |
10 | Eng | Standard EDFA | AEDFA-aa-b-cc |
1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA |
Optical Communications Fiber Optic Sensing CATV Laboratory |
Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifiers (EDFAs) are our core products. With years of experience on design and products, our EDFAs excel in stability, reliability and robustness. They have excellent track record ...
Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifiers (EDFAs) are our core
products. With years of experience on design and products, our EDFAs excel in stability, reliabilit ... |
87 | Eng | Standard EDFA #2 | AEDFA-xx-y-zz |
1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA |
Optical Communications Fiber Optic Sensing CATV Laboratory |
Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifiers (EDFAs) are our core products. With years of experience on design and products, our EDFAs excel in stability, reliability and robustness. They have excellent track record ...
Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifiers (EDFAs) are our core
products. With years of experience on design and products, our EDFAs excel in stability, reliabilit ... |
20 | Eng | Standard Polarization Maintaining EDFA | AEDFA-PM-bb-c-dd |
1.55um Amplifier
Polarization Maintaining EDFA |
Optical Communications Fiber Optic Sensing CATV Laboratory |
Amonics' polarization maintaining EDFAs are featured with high gain, low noise, and high polarization extinction ratio. The signal polarization is highly maintained after the amplification in the EDFA ...
Amonics' polarization maintaining EDFAs are featur
ed with high gain, low noise, and high polarizatio n extinction ratio. The signal polarization is hig ... |
90 | 中文 | 半導體光放大器 |
ASOA-bb-c-dd ASOA-PM-bb-c-dd |
1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA |
Booster and in-line amplification in WDW Metro Network Systems
Network loss compensation |
Amonics SOA is a polarization maintaining optical amplifier with high fiber-to-fiber gain. It is designed for transmitter applications to increase optical launch power to compensate for the loss of ot ...
Amonics SOA is a polarization maintaining optical
amplifier with high fiber-to-fiber gain. It is des igned for transmitter applications to increase opt ... |
93 | 中文 | 摻鉺光纖放大器模塊 | AEDFA-xx-M-zz |
1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA |
LANs and MANs Fiber Optic Sensing CATV Networks Laboratory |
Amonics EDFA module, operated on a single +5V power supply, is an ideal building block for OEM system integration as it comes with the essential EDFA functions to serve various purposes and the interf ...
Amonics EDFA module, operated on a single +5V powe
r supply, is an ideal building block for OEM syste m integration as it comes with the essential EDFA ... |