
Amonics SOA is a polarization maintaining optical amplifier with high fiber-to-fiber gain. It is designed for transmitter applications to increase optical launch power to compensate for the loss of other optical devices.

The benchtop version incorporates a user-friendly front panel housing a LCD monitor display, key switch, power control knob and optical connectors. RS232 computer interface is also equipped on the rear panel. 1MHz with 10ns pulse width intensity modulation is available.

The OEM module version is an ideal building block for OEM system integration, especially in optical communication network and CATV applications. It requires only a single +5V power supply.


ASOA15-16 ASOA15-PM-28 ASOA15-13 ASOA15-PM-14
Type In-Line In-Line Booster Booster
Operation Wavelength 1510nm to 1570nm 1510nm to 1590nm 1528nm to 1562nm 1528nm to 1570nm
Saturated Output Power (at 3dBm input) Typ. 5dBm Min. 6dBm, Typ. 8dBm Min. 12dBm, Typ. 14dBm Min. 13dBm, Typ. 16dBm
Small Signal Gain at (at -25dBm input) Min. 16dB Min. 25dB, Typ. 28dB Min. 10dB, Typ. 13dB Min. 12dB, Typ. 14dB
Noise Figure (at -25dBm input) Max. 9dB Max. 9dB Typ. 8dB, Max. 9dB Max. 9dB
Gain Ripple with Respect to Wavelength (RMS) Typ. 0.5dB, Max. 1dB Max. 2dB Max. 0.5dB Max. 1.5dB
Polarization Dependent Gain Typ. 1.5dB Min. 10dB Typ. 1.5dB Min. 10dB
3dB Optical Bandwidth Typ. 50dB Min. 40dB, Typ. 45dB Typ. 55dB Typ. 60dB
Optical fiber SMF-28 PM Panda fiber SMF-28 PM Panda fiber


unit benchtop module
Operation Temperature °C 0 to +40 0 to +40
Storage Temperature °C -10 to +70 -10 to +70
Power Supply V 90 – 240VAC, 47 – 63Hz 5.0VDC ± 0.1V
Dimensions mm 260(W) x 330(D) x 120(H) 150(W) x 100(L) x 18(H) or Customization on request
Electrical Connector NA 14-pin MIL Socket
Protection SOA over heat warning SOA over heat warning
LCD Display SOA Current (mA) NA
Control Keylock switch, output power NA
Computer Interface RS232 NA


Input and/or Output Isolator: Min. 30dB (standard) or Min. 40dB (high)
Intensity Modulation


Product Code
ASOA-bb-c-dd or ASOA-PM-bb-c-dd
bb: Small Signal Gain in dB
c: B for Benchtop case, M for Module case
dd: FA for FC/APC, FC for FC/UPC, SA for SC/APC, SC for SC/UPC, NC for Bare fiber


Wide wavelength coverage
High fiber-to-fiber gain
1MHz with 10ns pulse width in option
Compact modulation size avaliable
Good spectral stability
Good performance cost ratio

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