
Amonics' Narrow Linewidth Pulse EDFA series offers eye-safe, single mode, linear polarized nanosecond-pulsed amplifier.It is designed for three-dimensional imaging, wind detection and ranging LiDAR systems. The Narrow Linewidth Pulse EDFA series is maintenance free with no post-installation service required. It is a versatile, ready-to-use and durable laser source for various LiDAR applications.


AEDFA-PM-UL-NS-200-20-23 AEDFA-PM-UL-NS-200-20-27 AEDFA-PM-UL-NS-200-20-33
Mode of Operation Nano-second pulse Nano-second pulse Nano-second pulse
Input Power Range -18dBm to 0dBm -18dBm to 0dBm -18dBm to 0dBm
Average Output Power Typ. 23dBm Typ. 27dBm Typ. 33dBm
Pulse Energy @150ns, 20kHz, 0dBm average input power Typ. 10μJ Typ. 40μJ Typ. 150μJ
Pulse Width 100ns to 1000ns 100ns to 1000ns 100ns to 1000ns
Pulse Repetition Rate 10kHz to 20kHz 10kHz to 20kHz 10kHz to 20kHz
Operating Wavelength 1550nm ± 0.5nm (other wavelengths are available) 1550nm ± 0.5nm (other wavelengths are available) 1550nm ± 0.5nm (other wavelengths are available)
PER Typ. 23dB, Min. 20dB Typ. 23dB, Min. 20dB Typ. 23dB, Min. 20dB
Input Connector Typ. 45cm 3mm PVC jacket FC/APC connector FC/APC Receptacle FC/APC Receptacle
Output Connector Typ. 45cm 3mm PVC jacket FC/APC connector Typ. 45cm 3mm PVC jacket FC/APC connector Typ. 45cm 3mm PVC jacket FC/APC connector


unit value
Operation Temperature °C -10 to +55
Storage Temperature °C -10 to +70
Power Supply VDC +12 ± 0.25
Dimensions (AEDFA-PM-NS-200-20-23-M) mm 120(W) x 200(D) x 25(H)
Dimensions (AEDFA-PM-NS-200-20-27-M) mm 200(W) x 200(D) x 45(H)
Dimensions (AEDFA-PM-NS-200-20-33-M) mm 200(W) x 200(D) x 45(H)
Power Consumption W Typ. 54, Max. 72 (AEDFA-PM-NS-200-20-33-M)
LED Status Indicators Power on, Case temperature overheat, Loss of input power
Remote Control Port RS232
Protection Overheat auto shutdown
Cooling Air cooling


Product Code
xxx : Pulse Width in ns
yy: Repetition Rate in kHz
zz: Average Output Power in dBm


Eye-safe wavelength – 1550nm
Linear polarization emission
Pulse duration from 100 to 1000ns
Pulse repetition rate from 10 to 20kHz
Narrow linewidth input
Low RIN & phase noise
Wide operating temperature, from -10 to +60°C
Maintenance free
High reliability

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