
Amonics’ EDFA Education Kit is designed to attain the learning outcomes of acquiring simple theoretical understanding and hand-on experience in building erbium-doped fiber amplifier, as well as measuring optical gain, noise figure and optimizing Erbium-doped fiber length, with minimum fuss.

Experiment procedures and manuals can be easily adopted in relevant course materials at tertiary level. Full set of accessories comes with the educational kit for all testing and measurement purposes. All fiber connections are made effortlessly through the given connectors and no fusion splicing is required.

All necessary components for building your own EDFA, including:

Ed Kit 100
Benchtop I 980nm pump laser
Benchtop II C-band DFB laser (with integrated attenuator and wavelength turning), and integrated taper photodetector
Module I High efficiency erbium-doped fiber module
Module II inline polarization independent optical isolators x 2pcs
Module III 980/1550nm wavelength division multiplexer
Module IV Optical filter
Patchcord Single mode fiber jumper with FC connector
Adaptors FC type alignment sleeves x6pcs
Manual User manual with educational material and experiment setups
DFB wavelength and connector type are selectable.

Benchtop Parameters:

Operation Temperature 0 to +40 °C
Storage Temperature -10 to +70°C
Power Supply 90 – 240, 47 – 63Hz VAC
Dimensions 260(W) x 330(D) x 120(H) mm
Mechanical Safety Control Key-lock switch, BNC interlock key
Protection Pump laser or DFB (TEC) overheat
Optical Connector FC/APC, FC/UPC, SC/APC, SC/UPC
Optical Fiber Single Mode Fiber


Product Code
Ed Kit 100
EDFA Education Kit


No fusion splicer is required
No other measurement equipment is necessary

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