Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) System

Amonics Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) system is a distributed acoustic sensing system which provides high spatial resolution measurement continuously along tens of km optical fiber. The system can be applied to different areas including infrastructure (bridge, railway, building, etc.) monitoring. There are some other specified applications such as earthquake monitoring, pipeline monitoring, geo-hazards, etc. With adjustable measuring parameters such as Laser pulse width, Sample frequency & resolution, etc., our DAS system is also an ideal equipment for research and development purpose.


Operating Wavelength Typ. 1550 nm
No. of Channels 1
Measuring Range 0 – 20 km
DAS system Frequency 0.1 Hz – 40 kHz
Sample Frequency 5 – 100 kHz
Sampling Resolution 0.3 – 1 m
Gauge Length 3 m, 8 m, 10 m (Optional)
Combination of settings depends on measuring range

General Parameters

unit value
Operation Temperature °C 0 to +40
Power Supply VAC 90 - 240, 47 - 63Hz
Dimensions (Mainframe) mm 485(W) x 515(D) x 90(H) mm
Control Key-lock switch, BNC interlock key
LCD Display Input power, Output power, Pump laser power, Pump laser current
Computer Interface RS232 (Control software & connection cable included)
Protection Pump laser overheat warning
Optical Connector FC/APC
Optical Fiber SMF-28

Ordering Information

Product Code

Key Features

High spatial resolution
High fidelity measurement
Stable System Signal to Noise Ratio
Class 1M laser safety compliant

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