Amonics Product Catalog

Waveform Analyzer

Amonics' optical waveform analyzer (AOWA) is the implementation of the state-of-art technology, in collaboration with a leading University in Japan, to facilitate cutting edge optical pulse analysis. AOWA provides a complete solution to characterize optical short pulses in picosecond to femtosecond range. Full information on pulse intensity and phase can be extracted from the optical spectrum, including chirp, temporal profile, pulse shape and pulse width. The main supporting equipment required is an optical spectrum analyzer. ...

Waveform Analyzer

Pre-Amp, Booster and In-line Amplifier

Amonics’ EDFA range adopts unique design to produce maximum signal gain and saturated output power while maintaining low noise figure, enabling test capabilities in system or component level manufacturing and characterizing processes, as well as facilitating highly demanding R&D applications. ...

Pre-Amp, Booster and In-line Amplifier

Fiber Laser Module for LiDAR Application

Amonics' high power fiber laser (ALiDAR) series offers eye-safe, single mode, linear polarized nanosecond-pulsed all fiber laser source with master-oscillator-power-amplifier. ...

Fiber Laser Module for LiDAR Application

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