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[ keywords: Continuous Wave EDFA ]
Prod ID Lang Name Prod Code Taggings Applications Description
7 Eng 1550nm Semiconductor Optical Amplifier ASOAaa-bb-c-dd
1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA
Booster and in-line amplification in WDW Metro Network Systems
Network loss compensation
Amonics SOA is a polarization maintaining optical amplifier with high fiber-to-fiber gain. It is designed for transmitter applications to increase optical launch power to compensate for the loss of ot ... Amonics SOA is a polarization maintaining optical
amplifier with high fiber-to-fiber gain. It is des
igned for transmitter applications to increase opt ...
6 Eng CATV Erbium Doped Amplifier (EDFA) AEDFA-CA-aa-b-cc
1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA
LANs and MANs
Fiber Optic Sensing
CATV Networks
CATV EDFAs inherit the reliable design of Amonics’s optical amplifier technology. They exhibit high output power, high gain with very low noise. They are thus ideal for CATV applications. CATV EDFAs a ... CATV EDFAs inherit the reliable design of Amonics’
s optical amplifier technology. They exhibit high
output power, high gain with very low noise. They ...
4 Eng C-Band & Extended C-band DWDM EDFA AEDFA-C-DWDM-aa-b-cc
1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA
DWDM applications
Optical Communications
Fiber Optic Sensing
Booster, In-line & Pre-amp
Scientific applications
C-band and Extended C-band DWDM Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifiers (EDFA) are among the Amonics’ specialist products. They are designed with high-power pump laser and high-stability pump combiners, renowne ... C-band and Extended C-band DWDM Erbium-doped Fiber
Amplifiers (EDFA) are among the Amonics’ speciali
st products. They are designed with high-power pum ...
2 Eng C+L Band EDFA AEDFA-CL-aa-b-cc 1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA
Optical Communications
Fiber Optic Sensing
Amonics offers C+L band EDFAs which are commonly used in a wide range of applications including free space communications, coherent beam combining and detection systems. The compact turnkey benchtop o ... Amonics offers C+L band EDFAs which are commonly u
sed in a wide range of applications including free
space communications, coherent beam combining and ...
9 Eng EDFA Education Kit EDFA
Education Kit
1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA
Building a fully functional, practical EDFA
Performing optical communication measurements
Performing optical component measurements
Amonics’ EDFA Education Kit is designed to attain the learning outcomes of acquiring simple theoretical understanding and hand-on experience in building erbium-doped fiber amplifier, as well as measur ... Amonics’ EDFA Education Kit is designed to attain
the learning outcomes of acquiring simple theoreti
cal understanding and hand-on experience in buildi ...
12 Eng EDFA Module AEDFA-aa-M-bb 1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA
LANs and MANs
Fiber Optic Sensing
CATV Networks
Amonics EDFA module, operated on a single +5V power supply, is an ideal building block for OEM system integration as it comes with the essential EDFA functions to serve various purposes and the interf ... Amonics EDFA module, operated on a single +5V powe
r supply, is an ideal building block for OEM syste
m integration as it comes with the essential EDFA ...
3 Eng FTTH Erbium Doped Amplifier (EDFA) AEDFA-FTTH-aa-bb-R-cc 1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA
Amonics FTTH EDFAs inherit the reliable design of Amonics’s optical amplifier technology. They exhibit high output power, high gain with very low noise, and are ideal for FTTH network amplification. ... Amonics FTTH EDFAs inherit the reliable design of
Amonics’s optical amplifier technology. They exhib
it high output power, high gain with very low nois ...
11 Eng High Power EDFA AEDFA-aa-b-cc 1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA
Optical Communications
Fiber Optic Sensing
Amonics’ High Power EDFA series offer saturated output power from 0.5W to 20W. It is a standalone turnkey device, available in benchtop or rackmount casing. ... Amonics’ High Power EDFA series offer saturated ou
tput power from 0.5W to 20W. It is a standalone tu
rnkey device, available in benchtop or rackmount c ...
97 Eng High Power Extended C-Band and Extended L-Band DWDM EDFA AEDFA-C-EX-DWDM-aa-b-cc
1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA
Optical Communications
Booster, In-line & Pre-amp
Fiber Optic Sensing
DWDM applications
Scientific applications
Amonics Extended C-band and Extended L-band DWDM Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA) can provide output power up to 30 dBm and 27 dBm respectively. The product adopts the design of high-power pump las ... Amonics Extended C-band and Extended L-band DWDM E
rbium-doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA) can provide out
put power up to 30 dBm and 27 dBm respectively. Th ...
98 Eng High Power PM EDFA Compact Module AEDFA-PM-aa-M-bb
1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA
Polarization Maintaining EDFA
Optical Communications
Fiber Optic Sensing
Amonics’ High Power PM EDFA compact module series offer saturated output power from 27dBm to 34dBm. It operates on a single DC power supply, is an ideal building block for OEM system integration as it ... Amonics’ High Power PM EDFA compact module series
offer saturated output power from 27dBm to 34dBm.
It operates on a single DC power supply, is an ide ...
99 Eng HP EDFA Module for Free Space Communication Application SM
PM Version:AEDFA-PM-aa-M-bb
1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA
Laser communication among satellites
Laser links between ground stations to satellites
Amonics' HP (high power) EDFA module series offers eye-safe, single mode, single mode (linear polarized) fiber amplifier. The module can be applied to laser link among satellites in low-Earth orbit. I ... Amonics' HP (high power) EDFA module series offers
eye-safe, single mode, single mode (linear polari
zed) fiber amplifier. The module can be applied to ...
5 Eng L-Band & Extended L-Band DWDM EDFA AEDFA-L-DWDM-aa-b-cc
or AEDFA-L-EX2-DWDM-aa-b-cc
1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA
DWDM applications
Optical Communications
Fiber Optic Sensing
L-band and Extended L-band DWDM Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifiers (EDFA) are among the Amonics’ specialist products. They are designed with high-power pump laser and high-stability pump combiners, renowne ... L-band and Extended L-band DWDM Erbium-doped Fiber
Amplifiers (EDFA) are among the Amonics’ speciali
st products. They are designed with high-power pum ...
8 Eng MSA C-band DWDM EDFA Module AEDFA-C-DWDM-aa-M-bb 1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA
DWDM applications
Optical Communications
Fiber Optic Sensing
Amonics now packages one of its most popular product lines, C-band DWDM Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifiers (EDFAs), into standard MSA size. The same reliable, stable and durable EDFAs are thus readily avai ... Amonics now packages one of its most popular produ
ct lines, C-band DWDM Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier
s (EDFAs), into standard MSA size. The same reliab ...
91 中文 MSA C波段密集波分復(fù)用摻鉺光纖放大器模塊 AEDFA-DWDM-aa-M-cc 1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA
DWDM applications
Optical Communications
Fiber Optic Sensing
Amonics now packages one of its most popular product lines, C-band DWDM Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifiers (EDFAs), into standard MSA size. The same reliable, stable and durable EDFAs are thus readily avai ... Amonics now packages one of its most popular produ
ct lines, C-band DWDM Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier
s (EDFAs), into standard MSA size. The same reliab ...
95 Eng Optical Communication Platform (DWDM) AOCP-100-R Others ( Test / Measurement / Education )
Continuous Wave EDFA
The new Amonics Optical Communication Platform (AOCP-100) is designed to house up to 8 optical plug-in modules including tunable laser, optical fiber amplifier, optical power meter, variable optical a ... The new Amonics Optical Communication Platform (AO
CP-100) is designed to house up to 8 optical plug-
in modules including tunable laser, optical fiber ...
1 Eng Pre-Amp, Booster and In-line Amplifier AEDFA-aa-bb-c-dd 1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA
Optical Communications
Pre-amp, Booster & In-line emulation
Amonics’ EDFA range adopts unique design to produce maximum signal gain and saturated output power while maintaining low noise figure, enabling test capabilities in system or component level manufactu ... Amonics’ EDFA range adopts unique design to produc
e maximum signal gain and saturated output power w
hile maintaining low noise figure, enabling test c ...
10 Eng Standard EDFA AEDFA-aa-b-cc 1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA
Optical Communications
Fiber Optic Sensing
Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifiers (EDFAs) are our core products. With years of experience on design and products, our EDFAs excel in stability, reliability and robustness. They have excellent track record ... Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifiers (EDFAs) are our core
products. With years of experience on design and
products, our EDFAs excel in stability, reliabilit ...
87 Eng Standard EDFA #2 AEDFA-xx-y-zz 1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA
Optical Communications
Fiber Optic Sensing
Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifiers (EDFAs) are our core products. With years of experience on design and products, our EDFAs excel in stability, reliability and robustness. They have excellent track record ... Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifiers (EDFAs) are our core
products. With years of experience on design and
products, our EDFAs excel in stability, reliabilit ...
90 中文 半導(dǎo)體光放大器 ASOA-bb-c-dd
1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA
Booster and in-line amplification in WDW Metro Network Systems
Network loss compensation
Amonics SOA is a polarization maintaining optical amplifier with high fiber-to-fiber gain. It is designed for transmitter applications to increase optical launch power to compensate for the loss of ot ... Amonics SOA is a polarization maintaining optical
amplifier with high fiber-to-fiber gain. It is des
igned for transmitter applications to increase opt ...
92 中文 摻鉺光纖放大器教育包 Ed
Kit 100
1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA
Building a fully functional, practical EDFA
Performing optical communication measurements
Performing optical component measurements
Amonics’ EDFA Education Kit is designed to attain the learning outcomes of acquiring simple theoretical understanding and hand-on experience in building erbium-doped fiber amplifier, as well as measur ... Amonics’ EDFA Education Kit is designed to attain
the learning outcomes of acquiring simple theoreti
cal understanding and hand-on experience in buildi ...
93 中文 摻鉺光纖放大器模塊 AEDFA-xx-M-zz 1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA
LANs and MANs
Fiber Optic Sensing
CATV Networks
Amonics EDFA module, operated on a single +5V power supply, is an ideal building block for OEM system integration as it comes with the essential EDFA functions to serve various purposes and the interf ... Amonics EDFA module, operated on a single +5V powe
r supply, is an ideal building block for OEM syste
m integration as it comes with the essential EDFA ...
21 record(s) found

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