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[ keywords: Telecommunication ]
Prod ID Lang Name Prod Code Taggings Applications Description
14 Eng Emergency Alternative EDFA system AEDFA-PKT-DWDM-15-EMER-LC 1.55um Amplifier
Specialist EDFA
Telecommunication systems are vitally important in our daily lives, even more so during the rescue and recovery processes upon natural disasters, such as the earthquake hitting the east-coast of Japan ... Telecommunication systems are vitally important in
our daily lives, even more so during the rescue a
nd recovery processes upon natural disasters, such ...
11 Eng High Power EDFA AEDFA-aa-b-cc 1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA
Optical Communications
Fiber Optic Sensing
Amonics’ High Power EDFA series offer saturated output power from 0.5W to 20W. It is a standalone turnkey device, available in benchtop or rackmount casing. ... Amonics’ High Power EDFA series offer saturated ou
tput power from 0.5W to 20W. It is a standalone tu
rnkey device, available in benchtop or rackmount c ...
110 Eng O-Band Bismuth-doped Fiber Amplifier (Multi-Channel) ABDFA-O-S-DWDM-aa-b-cc
Datacom Network
Amonics’ O-band Bismuth-doped fiber amplifier (BDFA) uses bismuth-doped fiber as the gain medium. The multi-channel BDFA features flattened gain across the operating wavelength range and very low nois ... Amonics’ O-band Bismuth-doped fiber amplifier (BDF
A) uses bismuth-doped fiber as the gain medium. Th
e multi-channel BDFA features flattened gain acros ...
109 Eng O-Band Bismuth-doped Fiber Amplifier (Single-Channel) ABDFA-O-S-aa-b-cc
/ ABDFA-O-L1-aa-b-cc / ABDFA-O-L2-aa-b-cc
Datacom Network
Amonics’ O-band Bismuth-doped fiber amplifier (BDFA) uses bismuth-doped fiber as the gain medium. The BDFA features high small signal gain and low noise figure. The silica-based Bismuth-doped fiber of ... Amonics’ O-band Bismuth-doped fiber amplifier (BDF
A) uses bismuth-doped fiber as the gain medium. Th
e BDFA features high small signal gain and low noi ...
4 record(s) found

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