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[ keywords: Others ( Test / Measurement / Education ) ]
Prod ID Lang Name Prod Code Taggings Applications Description
47 Eng 10G Receiver Module PR10G Others ( Test / Measurement / Education )
CATV and 10G-Enet
Transmitter/Receiver components testing
Optical Network System Bit Error Rate Testing
Amonics' PR10G 10Gbit/s ac-coupled photo-receiver integrates a high speed pin diode and a GaAs preamplifier to provide high performance. Featuring high transimpedance coupled with a nonquantizing limi ... Amonics' PR10G 10Gbit/s ac-coupled photo-receiver
integrates a high speed pin diode and a GaAs pream
plifier to provide high performance. Featuring hig ...
46 Eng Lightwave Converter Lightwave
Others ( Test / Measurement / Education )
CATV and 10G-Enet
Remote RF Analog Link
Laboratory Testing and Transponder Evaluation
The Lightwave Converter is a high performance integrated lightwave transmitter for building digital and analog optical transmission system. Having combined a high power laser, broadband Lithium Niobat ... The Lightwave Converter is a high performance inte
grated lightwave transmitter for building digital
and analog optical transmission system. Having com ...
45 Eng Lightwave Receiver Lightwave
Others ( Test / Measurement / Education )
CATV and 10G-Enet
Transmitter/Receiver components Testing
Optical Network System Bit Error Testing
This general purpose optical receiver is designed for high speed testing of optical network systems and components. The standard receiver unit is able to detect modulation frequency up to 11.5GHz. A b ... This general purpose optical receiver is designed
for high speed testing of optical network systems
and components. The standard receiver unit is able ...
48 Eng Optical Communication Platform AOCP-100-R Others ( Test / Measurement / Education )
The new Amonics Optical Communication Platform (AOCP-100) is designed to house up to 8 optical plug-in modules including tunable laser, optical fiber amplifier, optical power meter, variable optical a ... The new Amonics Optical Communication Platform (AO
CP-100) is designed to house up to 8 optical plug-
in modules including tunable laser, optical fiber ...
95 Eng Optical Communication Platform (DWDM) AOCP-100-R Others ( Test / Measurement / Education )
Continuous Wave EDFA
The new Amonics Optical Communication Platform (AOCP-100) is designed to house up to 8 optical plug-in modules including tunable laser, optical fiber amplifier, optical power meter, variable optical a ... The new Amonics Optical Communication Platform (AO
CP-100) is designed to house up to 8 optical plug-
in modules including tunable laser, optical fiber ...
50 Eng Roguescope Others ( Test / Measurement / Education )
Single-shot Laser Transients
Single-shot Mode locking dynamics
Single-shot Soliton molecule dynamics
Optical Rogue Waves and other rare events
Capturing Non-Gaussian Statistics
Modulation Instability
High Through-put Spectroscopy
Optical Coherence Tomography
Optical Vibrometry and Velocimetry
Time Stretch Imaging and Cytometry
Time Stretch Quantitative Phase Imaging
Gas absorption spectroscopy
Roguescope is a real-time single-shot optical spectrometer with a frame rate of up to 100 million frames per second, at least one thousand times faster than the next fastest spectrometer. The Roguesco ... Roguescope is a real-time single-shot optical spec
trometer with a frame rate of up to 100 million fr
ames per second, at least one thousand times faste ...
49 Eng Waveform Analyzer AOWA Others ( Test / Measurement / Education )
Pulse Characterization
Laser Physics
Research and Development
Amonics' optical waveform analyzer (AOWA) is the implementation of the state-of-art technology, in collaboration with a leading University in Japan, to facilitate cutting edge optical pulse analysis. ... Amonics' optical waveform analyzer (AOWA) is the i
mplementation of the state-of-art technology, in
collaboration with a leading University in Japan, ...
7 record(s) found

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