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[ keywords: Spectroscopy ]
Prod ID Lang Name Prod Code Taggings Applications Description
101 Eng 2μm ASE Broadband Light Source ALS-2000-aa-b-cc Gas analysis
Biomedical analysis
Optical component testing
Amonics’ 2μm ASE light source features high output power, very wide spectral range and high stability against temperature change. ... Amonics’ 2μm ASE light source features high output
power, very wide spectral range and high stabilit
y against temperature change. ...
29 Eng Femtosecond Fiber Laser AFSFL(-PM)-aaaa-bbb-cc-d-ee 1.55um Fiber Laser
1550nm Pulse Fiber Laser
Nonlinear Ultrafast Spectroscopy
Terahertz Waves Generation
3-D Optical Micro/Nano Fabrication
Nano-material Spectroscopy
Amonics High Power Femtosecond Fiber Laser (FSFLs) is a passive mode-locked fiber laser which generates soliton pulses without using external clocks. The FSFL features high output power and narrow lin ... Amonics High Power Femtosecond Fiber Laser (FSFLs)
is a passive mode-locked fiber laser which genera
tes soliton pulses without using external clocks. ...
31 Eng Raman Fiber Laser ARFL-aa-bbbb-cc-R-dd 1.55um Fiber Laser
Pump Source
Component Test & Characterization
Optical Spectroscopy
Amonics' high power Raman Fiber Laser is the perfect solution for applications with a high channel count and long spans, such as remote pump source for submarine transmission systems to deliver high p ... Amonics' high power Raman Fiber Laser is the perfe
ct solution for applications with a high channel c
ount and long spans, such as remote pump source fo ...
50 Eng Roguescope Others ( Test / Measurement / Education )
Single-shot Laser Transients
Single-shot Mode locking dynamics
Single-shot Soliton molecule dynamics
Optical Rogue Waves and other rare events
Capturing Non-Gaussian Statistics
Modulation Instability
High Through-put Spectroscopy
Optical Coherence Tomography
Optical Vibrometry and Velocimetry
Time Stretch Imaging and Cytometry
Time Stretch Quantitative Phase Imaging
Gas absorption spectroscopy
Roguescope is a real-time single-shot optical spectrometer with a frame rate of up to 100 million frames per second, at least one thousand times faster than the next fastest spectrometer. The Roguesco ... Roguescope is a real-time single-shot optical spec
trometer with a frame rate of up to 100 million fr
ames per second, at least one thousand times faste ...
4 record(s) found

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