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[ keywords: Optical sensing ]
Prod ID Lang Name Prod Code Taggings Applications Description
37 Eng 1050nm ASE Light Source ALS-1050-aa-b-cc Light Source
ASE Light Source
Fiber optic sensing
Optical tomography
Component characterization
Amonics' ALS-1050 series offers a Ytterbium-doped fiber ASE broadband light source in the wavelength range of 1000nm to 1100nm, offering 10mW and 20mW output power. It is particularly useful for 1060n ... Amonics' ALS-1050 series offers a Ytterbium-doped
fiber ASE broadband light source in the wavelength
range of 1000nm to 1100nm, offering 10mW and 20mW ...
40 Eng Benchtop Tunable Laser Source ATL-PM-a-bb-B-cc Light Source
Coherent communication
Optical local oscillator
Optical sensing
One of our specialties is on custom-made specifications to match a wide range of applications of our customers. We have extensive design and production experience on this product. Please contact us to ... One of our specialties is on custom-made specifica
tions to match a wide range of applications of our
customers. We have extensive design and productio ...
41 Eng CWDM Super-Wideband Light Source ASLD(-PM)-CWDM(-EX)-4/5-a-bb Light Source
SLD Light Source
Fiber Optical Sensing
Optical Tomography
DWDM Component Characterization
Optical Gyroscope
Amonics ALSD-CWDM super-wideband light source provides high spectral density, at above -30dBm/nm, across 1250nm to 1650nm. It is an ideal tool for simple characterization of CWDM components and commun ... Amonics ALSD-CWDM super-wideband light source prov
ides high spectral density, at above -30dBm/nm, ac
ross 1250nm to 1650nm. It is an ideal tool for sim ...
86 Eng Femto-second Pulse EDFA AEDFA(-PM)-FS-aaa-bb-cc-B-dd 1.55um Amplifier
High power ultrashort pulse amplification
Fiber Optic Sensing
High-resolution optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR)
Amonics' Pulse EDFA is designed for amplifying optical short pulse to high pulse energy level. Amonics’ engineers have a lot of knowledge in designing pulse optical amplifier, especially handling the ... Amonics' Pulse EDFA is designed for amplifying opt
ical short pulse to high pulse energy level. Amoni
cs’ engineers have a lot of knowledge in designing ...
21 Eng High Power Polarization Maintaining EDFA AEDFA-PM-aa-b-cc 1.55um Amplifier
Polarization Maintaining EDFA
Optical Communications
Fiber Optic Sensing
Amonics' high power polarization maintaining EDFA can amplify polarized signal to very high power level.Our high power polarization maintaining EDFA can amplify optical signal up to 10 Watt optical po ... Amonics' high power polarization maintaining EDFA
can amplify polarized signal to very high power le
vel.Our high power polarization maintaining EDFA c ...
79 Eng Nano-second Pulse EDFA AEDFA(-PM)-NS-aaa-bb-cc-B-dd 1.55um Amplifier
High power ultrashort pulse amplification
Fiber Optic Sensing
High-resolution optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR)
Amonics' Pulse EDFA is designed for amplifying optical short pulse to high pulse energy level. Amonics’ engineers have a lot of knowledge in designing pulse optical amplifier, especially handling the ... Amonics' Pulse EDFA is designed for amplifying opt
ical short pulse to high pulse energy level. Amoni
cs’ engineers have a lot of knowledge in designing ...
42 Eng OCT Super-wideband Light source ASLD-OCT-a-bb Light Source
SLD Light Source
Fiber Optical Sensing
Optical Tomography
DWDM Component Characterization
Optical Gyroscope
Amonics' ALS-OCT super-wideband light source provides high spectral density, above -30dB/nm, across 890nm to 1080nm. It is an ideal tool for the characterization of fiber laser components. This broadb ... Amonics' ALS-OCT super-wideband light source provi
des high spectral density, above -30dB/nm, across
890nm to 1080nm. It is an ideal tool for the chara ...
17 Eng Pico-second Pulse EDFA AEDFA(-PM)-PS-aaa-bb-cc-B-dd 1.55um Amplifier
High power ultrashort pulse amplification
Fiber Optic Sensing
High-resolution optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR)
Amonics' Pulse EDFA is designed for amplifying optical short pulse to high pulse energy level. Amonics' engineers have a lot of knowledge in designing pulse optical amplifier, especially handling the ... Amonics' Pulse EDFA is designed for amplifying opt
ical short pulse to high pulse energy level. Amoni
cs' engineers have a lot of knowledge in designing ...
89 中文 密沖摻鉺光纖放大器 AEDFA(-PM)-PS-www-xx-yy-B-zz 1.55um Amplifier
High power ultrashort pulse amplification
Fiber Optic Sensing
High-resolution optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR)
Amonics' Pulse EDFA is designed for amplifying optical short pulse to high pulse energy level. Amonics' engineers have a lot of knowledge in designing pulse optical amplifier, especially handling the ... Amonics' Pulse EDFA is designed for amplifying opt
ical short pulse to high pulse energy level. Amoni
cs' engineers have a lot of knowledge in designing ...
9 record(s) found

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