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[ keywords: High-resolution optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR) ]
Prod ID Lang Name Prod Code Taggings Applications Description
86 Eng Femto-second Pulse EDFA AEDFA(-PM)-FS-aaa-bb-cc-B-dd 1.55um Amplifier
High power ultrashort pulse amplification
Fiber Optic Sensing
High-resolution optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR)
Amonics' Pulse EDFA is designed for amplifying optical short pulse to high pulse energy level. Amonics’ engineers have a lot of knowledge in designing pulse optical amplifier, especially handling the ... Amonics' Pulse EDFA is designed for amplifying opt
ical short pulse to high pulse energy level. Amoni
cs’ engineers have a lot of knowledge in designing ...
28 Eng Nanosecond Fiber Laser ANSFL(-PM)(-UL)-aaa-bb-cc-R-dd 1.55um Fiber Laser
1550nm Pulse Fiber Laser
High power ultrashort pulse amplification
Fiber Optic Sensing
High-resolution optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR)
Amonics' nanosecond fiber lasers are with high pulse energy and excellent pulse energy stability. We offer nanosecond fibers with direct modulation diode seed lasers and narrow linewidth seed lasers w ... Amonics' nanosecond fiber lasers are with high pul
se energy and excellent pulse energy stability. We
offer nanosecond fibers with direct modulation di ...
79 Eng Nano-second Pulse EDFA AEDFA(-PM)-NS-aaa-bb-cc-B-dd 1.55um Amplifier
High power ultrashort pulse amplification
Fiber Optic Sensing
High-resolution optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR)
Amonics' Pulse EDFA is designed for amplifying optical short pulse to high pulse energy level. Amonics’ engineers have a lot of knowledge in designing pulse optical amplifier, especially handling the ... Amonics' Pulse EDFA is designed for amplifying opt
ical short pulse to high pulse energy level. Amoni
cs’ engineers have a lot of knowledge in designing ...
27 Eng Picosecond Fiber Laser APSFL-aaa-bbb-cc-R-dd
1.55um Fiber Laser
1550nm Pulse Fiber Laser
High power ultrashort pulse amplification
Fiber Optic Sensing
High-resolution optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR)
Amonics' picosecond fiber laser are with high speed gain switched semiconductor laser and high power pulse optical amplifier.This architecture offers high stability and flexibility in tuning of repet ... Amonics' picosecond fiber laser are with high spee
d gain switched semiconductor laser and high powe
r pulse optical amplifier.This architecture offers ...
17 Eng Pico-second Pulse EDFA AEDFA(-PM)-PS-aaa-bb-cc-B-dd 1.55um Amplifier
High power ultrashort pulse amplification
Fiber Optic Sensing
High-resolution optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR)
Amonics' Pulse EDFA is designed for amplifying optical short pulse to high pulse energy level. Amonics' engineers have a lot of knowledge in designing pulse optical amplifier, especially handling the ... Amonics' Pulse EDFA is designed for amplifying opt
ical short pulse to high pulse energy level. Amoni
cs' engineers have a lot of knowledge in designing ...
89 中文 密沖摻鉺光纖放大器 AEDFA(-PM)-PS-www-xx-yy-B-zz 1.55um Amplifier
High power ultrashort pulse amplification
Fiber Optic Sensing
High-resolution optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR)
Amonics' Pulse EDFA is designed for amplifying optical short pulse to high pulse energy level. Amonics' engineers have a lot of knowledge in designing pulse optical amplifier, especially handling the ... Amonics' Pulse EDFA is designed for amplifying opt
ical short pulse to high pulse energy level. Amoni
cs' engineers have a lot of knowledge in designing ...
6 record(s) found

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