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[ keywords: Datacom Network ]
Prod ID Lang Name Prod Code Taggings Applications Description
105 Eng E-Band Bismuth-doped Fiber Amplifier ABDFA-E-aa-b-cc Datacom Network
Amonics’ E-Band Bismuth-doped fiber amplifier (BDFA) uses bismuth-doped fiber as the gain medium. The BDFA features high small signal gain and low noise figure. The silica-based Bismuth-doped fiber of ... Amonics’ E-Band Bismuth-doped fiber amplifier (BDF
A) uses bismuth-doped fiber as the gain medium. Th
e BDFA features high small signal gain and low noi ...
100 Eng O-Band Bismuth-doped Fiber Amplifier ABDFA-O-L-aa-b-cc
/ ABDFA-O-S-aa-b-cc / ABDFA-O-DWDM-aa-b-cc
Datacom Network
Amonics’ O-band Bismuth-doped fiber amplifier (BDFA) uses bismuth-doped fiber as the gain medium. The BDFA features high small signal gain and low noise figure. The silica-based Bismuth-doped fiber of ... Amonics’ O-band Bismuth-doped fiber amplifier (BDF
A) uses bismuth-doped fiber as the gain medium. Th
e BDFA features high small signal gain and low noi ...
110 Eng O-Band Bismuth-doped Fiber Amplifier (Multi-Channel) ABDFA-O-S-DWDM-aa-b-cc
Datacom Network
Amonics’ O-band Bismuth-doped fiber amplifier (BDFA) uses bismuth-doped fiber as the gain medium. The multi-channel BDFA features flattened gain across the operating wavelength range and very low nois ... Amonics’ O-band Bismuth-doped fiber amplifier (BDF
A) uses bismuth-doped fiber as the gain medium. Th
e multi-channel BDFA features flattened gain acros ...
109 Eng O-Band Bismuth-doped Fiber Amplifier (Single-Channel) ABDFA-O-S-aa-b-cc
/ ABDFA-O-L1-aa-b-cc / ABDFA-O-L2-aa-b-cc
Datacom Network
Amonics’ O-band Bismuth-doped fiber amplifier (BDFA) uses bismuth-doped fiber as the gain medium. The BDFA features high small signal gain and low noise figure. The silica-based Bismuth-doped fiber of ... Amonics’ O-band Bismuth-doped fiber amplifier (BDF
A) uses bismuth-doped fiber as the gain medium. Th
e BDFA features high small signal gain and low noi ...
4 record(s) found

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