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[ keywords: CATV Networks ]
Prod ID Lang Name Prod Code Taggings Applications Description
6 Eng CATV Erbium Doped Amplifier (EDFA) AEDFA-CA-aa-b-cc
1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA
LANs and MANs
Fiber Optic Sensing
CATV Networks
CATV EDFAs inherit the reliable design of Amonics’s optical amplifier technology. They exhibit high output power, high gain with very low noise. They are thus ideal for CATV applications. CATV EDFAs a ... CATV EDFAs inherit the reliable design of Amonics’
s optical amplifier technology. They exhibit high
output power, high gain with very low noise. They ...
12 Eng EDFA Module AEDFA-aa-M-bb 1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA
LANs and MANs
Fiber Optic Sensing
CATV Networks
Amonics EDFA module, operated on a single +5V power supply, is an ideal building block for OEM system integration as it comes with the essential EDFA functions to serve various purposes and the interf ... Amonics EDFA module, operated on a single +5V powe
r supply, is an ideal building block for OEM syste
m integration as it comes with the essential EDFA ...
93 中文 摻鉺光纖放大器模塊 AEDFA-xx-M-zz 1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA
LANs and MANs
Fiber Optic Sensing
CATV Networks
Amonics EDFA module, operated on a single +5V power supply, is an ideal building block for OEM system integration as it comes with the essential EDFA functions to serve various purposes and the interf ... Amonics EDFA module, operated on a single +5V powe
r supply, is an ideal building block for OEM syste
m integration as it comes with the essential EDFA ...
3 record(s) found

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