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[ keywords: Scientific applications ]
Prod ID Lang Name Prod Code Taggings Applications Description
4 Eng C-Band & Extended C-band DWDM EDFA AEDFA-C-DWDM-aa-b-cc
1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA
DWDM applications
Optical Communications
Fiber Optic Sensing
Booster, In-line & Pre-amp
Scientific applications
C-band and Extended C-band DWDM Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifiers (EDFA) are among the Amonics’ specialist products. They are designed with high-power pump laser and high-stability pump combiners, renowne ... C-band and Extended C-band DWDM Erbium-doped Fiber
Amplifiers (EDFA) are among the Amonics’ speciali
st products. They are designed with high-power pum ...
97 Eng High Power Extended C-Band and Extended L-Band DWDM EDFA AEDFA-C-EX-DWDM-aa-b-cc
1.55um Amplifier
Continuous Wave EDFA
Optical Communications
Booster, In-line & Pre-amp
Fiber Optic Sensing
DWDM applications
Scientific applications
Amonics Extended C-band and Extended L-band DWDM Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA) can provide output power up to 30 dBm and 27 dBm respectively. The product adopts the design of high-power pump las ... Amonics Extended C-band and Extended L-band DWDM E
rbium-doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA) can provide out
put power up to 30 dBm and 27 dBm respectively. Th ...
103 Eng Super C-Band DWDM EDFA AEDFA-C-SU-DWDM-aa-b-cc SONET/SDH Systems
Optical Communications
Booster, In-line & Pre-amp
DWDM applications
Scientific applications
As the growing demand of data transmission capacity, Amonics’ Super C-band (C++ band) DWDM Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA) is the ideal solution that features Super C-band operating range, i.e. 15 ... As the growing demand of data transmission capacit
y, Amonics’ Super C-band (C++ band) DWDM Erbium-do
ped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA) is the ideal solution t ...
106 Eng Super L-Band DWDM EDFA AEDFA-L-SU-DWDM-aa-b-cc
Optical Communications
Booster, In-line & Pre-amp
Fiber Optic Sensing
DWDM applications
Scientific applications
As the growing demand of data transmission capacity, Amonics’ Super L-band (L++ band) DWDM Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA) is the ideal solution that features Super L-band operating range up to 16 ... As the growing demand of data transmission capacit
y, Amonics’ Super L-band (L++ band) DWDM Erbium-do
ped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA) is the ideal solution t ...
4 record(s) found

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