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[ keywords: Modulation Instability ]
Prod ID Lang Name Prod Code Taggings Applications Description
50 Eng Roguescope Others ( Test / Measurement / Education )
Single-shot Laser Transients
Single-shot Mode locking dynamics
Single-shot Soliton molecule dynamics
Optical Rogue Waves and other rare events
Capturing Non-Gaussian Statistics
Modulation Instability
High Through-put Spectroscopy
Optical Coherence Tomography
Optical Vibrometry and Velocimetry
Time Stretch Imaging and Cytometry
Time Stretch Quantitative Phase Imaging
Gas absorption spectroscopy
Roguescope is a real-time single-shot optical spectrometer with a frame rate of up to 100 million frames per second, at least one thousand times faster than the next fastest spectrometer. The Roguesco ... Roguescope is a real-time single-shot optical spec
trometer with a frame rate of up to 100 million fr
ames per second, at least one thousand times faste ...
1 record(s) found

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